SNSD's Jessica, who has been in the limelight for her first acting career, stated her feelings about her first acting expererience, pior to the airing of the last episode.
Jessica appears in Wild Romance as Kang Jong Hee, a first love of baseball player Park Moo Yul (Lee Dong Wook), and is portrayed getting involved in a love triangle with Moo Yul and Eun Jae (Lee Shi Young)
Jessica is said to have successfully played a role of Jong Hee, who is feminine, stylish, and disarmingly candid, and has an artistic talent.
Jessica expressed gratitude to her co actor and actress. "That was a wonderful, exciting experience to me. I'd like to say thank you to Lee Dong Wook and Lee Shi Young. Thanks for helping me practive reading the script even when you guys have time to rest. I was happy and lucky to work with."
She added, I'll do my best to be active as a member of SNSD, and look forward to appearing in another series as an actress. Thanks for having given love and support to Jong Hee. Millions of thanks to all of ypu guys who loved and watched Wild Romance. Love you."
Jessica has been praised for setting a good example of a singers and actor or actress becase she successfully carried out the two jobs at the same time being active as a member of SNSD and shooting the series.